Monday, September 30, 2019

Literature, Translation Essay

Indian Literature and Literary Theory The present section is an attempt to define a category: Indian Literature, so that one can conjure up a vision of Indian literature which has become more and more relevant during 21th century. 1. 1 An idea of Indian literature: Indian constitution gives us values : liberty, equality and fraternity. These values are Indian literary values, because literature is highly valued writing. In other words we can say Indian constitution is one although written for the Indian people who speak different Indian languages. Likewise Indian literature is one although written in the different Indian languages because their value systems and consequently value judgements are one. In addition, if there is one particular Indian constitution for all Indians then why not Indian literature? 1. 2 Indian Literary Theory: Indians must study our own tradition first and try to understand its useful theories to enrich literary angle as well as literary creations. We should also study the western or foreign literary criticism and try to accept whatever is useful as per our culture pattern. Chapter II Nativism: Indian Critical Discourse In this chapter an attempt has been made to study, analyze and assess the origin and development of Indian Nativism in literature. 2. Towards Nativistic Literary Theory: i)A number of approaches to the study of Indian Literature are in vogue today – the Marxist, the feminist, the Orientalist, the Postcolonial, the subaltern, to mention a few. Their common drawback is their inability to see that the theory of the nativism is the key to this thought. The basic insight of the theory of nativism is simple enough. Nativism is nothing but asserting one’s own native culture. At the same time it tries to augment the tradition and change it into current coin and makes it acceptable to the present age. However, innovation requires the adoption of western ideas but one should adopt them only on his own terms, on condition that they could be integrated within an Indian intellectual framework. ii)One of the consequences of this adoption of western literary theories was the emergence of modern Indian Literary theory. But one should be aware of the fact that the contact with the west produced two distinct genre of literary theory. One is literary theory in India and the other is Indian Literary theory. What distinguishes the two is their respective intellectual framework. Literary theory in India does not have an Indian intellectual framework. It is primarily a body of western literary theory to be applicable to India. Some Indians adopted them together with their western intellectual framework. The Indian Marxists, Neo-Marxists and subaltern theoreticians were (and still are) the skilled practioners of this genre of literary theory. They used (and still use) the western intellectual framework depending on convenience, but not an Indian framework, in their attempt to modernize Indian literary theory. iii)Indian literary theory by contrast is a body of ideas that includes Indian ideas as well as select nativised Western ideas, both set in a recognizably Indian intellectual framework. Aanand Coomarswamy, Rabindranath Tagore, Sri Aurobindo, among others produced literary theory of this sort. But Bhalchandra Nemade is the most prominent theorist and his prominence is due to his theory of Nativism. He is not afraid of adopting certain Western ideas (i. e. Ralf Linton’s Nativistic Movements from Anthoropology) if he feels that their adoption is necessary for India’s innovation. At the same time, he is careful to keep intact the genius of our civilization. What he wants to keep intact is what is truly original to the Indian way of thinking. And the theory of Nativism certainly is part of it. iv)At present, one finds an unusual proliferation of Indian practical criticism without the necessary native theory of literature. The attempts to westernize or to Sanskritize Indian literary theory into a single system also proved to be inadequate. There is a great problem, which needs to be looked into in order to understand the precise nature of the crisis in Indian criticism. That problem relates neither to the sanskritic tradition of poetics nor to western literary thought. It relates to literary theory in the modern Indian languages. v)In order to evolve a native literary theory based on our national genius, culture and traditions, Bhalachandra Nemade, a poet-Novelist critic, advanced the positive term ‘Nativism’ to start a nationwide literary movement emphasizing India’s many regional languages and cultures, a movement just now being widely recognized and challenged. The concept of Nativism has its affinities with the idealogy expounded by two Mahatmas: Phule and Gandhi, both posed danger to the greater Anglo-Sanskritic tradition by introducing a different system of moral concern which emphasizes truth and threatened to alter the basic characteristics of Indian Society by making its cultural periphery its center. Nemade, successfully, advanced the term nativism, shaped by decentralized impulse rather than centralized one and advocated indomitable literary values : tradition, Indian modernity, new morality, verbal action, truth, language of the people and nativisation. vi)Nativism in Indian literature is not anti-migrant like American Nativism because it is not form of ethnic identity that seeks to exclude those who are not members of the local or indigenous ethnic groups from residing and/or working in a territory because they are not native to the country or region. But Nativism is reactionary and progressive form of indigenism whose agenda can be summed up as an urge for cultural self respect and autonomy. It is nothing but the freeing of Indian literature from alien models and creating the opportunity to make it stand on its own. vii)Nativism is not atavism; those who have a hankering to go back into the ancestral past are called atavistic. Shivsena and Maharashtra Navnirman Sena are atavistic because of their chauvinistic and outdated views. viii)Thus, nativism is a value term. It stands for the writer’s clarity of vision about his place in his society and culture; it stands for mature understanding of things in their proper perspective; and it stands for the writer’s sense of responsibility as an adult to forge in the smithy of his soul the uncreated conscience of his race. ix) Hence, the term nativism needs to be exhibited in the glossary of literary terms as well as in all the Standard English dictionaries. Chapter III Indian Nativistic Literary Values Therefore, in this chapter an attempt has been made to discuss Indian Nativistic Literary values. 3. Nativistic Literary Values: i) Tradition: Nativism locates non-vedic and oral tradition as the most significant creative upsurge of the Indian mind not only for the merit of ideas and insights it can offer but for its place in the process of acquiring Indian sensibility. Nemade is the first important literary critic to introduce nativism which has the context of a living desi (native) tradition inherited from the Satyashodhak (seekers of truth) movement started by Phule. Each nation has its unique culture and civilization, which may be called its soul; hence we should cultivate the habit of looking within and be proud of our Indian culture and institutions in the right spirit. Consequently, we must rule out the colonial and brahmnical literary canons as being the only authentic literature. ii) Indian Modernity: Indian modernity is a culture specific phase of history. In India modernism came to be recognized as synonymous to westernization, hence it is not only great insult to India but also betrays gross ignorance of sociological science. Modernity cannot and should not be transplanted; it must be shaped according to past traditions and present circumstances. We should create our own modernity that suits our ancient heritage and have Indian growth. The real strength of Indian modernity will be tried on our indomitable desi (native) values. Any attempt to be different from the western models which is a sign of originality also may lead to a new native tradition. iii) New Morality: Nemade’s dichotomy : old and new morality, being purely sociological, is a paradigm of Phule’s distinction between true and false morality as expounded in The Universal Religion of Truth. Nemade advanced a modern literary value : New Morality, to set a very high premium on the morality of the writer. Nemade believes that the existence of the novelist implies community and his group consciousness. The writer has to employ his own scale of values, which are based on the original social values. Since literature is an art form the writer must imply a plane, a condition that goes beyond social values. True morality, for Gandhi – New morality for Nemade – consists not in following the beaten track, but in finding out the true path for ourselves and fearlessly following it. iv) Verbal Action: Indian nativism articulates itself gradually through reason. A nativist selects the theme as a verbal action with a specific moral angle in the context of the multi-faceted relation between the individual and the community. And in keeping with the action oriented theme, he organizes the novel through the medium of language. The novel becomes, then, the vehicle of thought. v) Truth: Nativism shows a strong inclination towards realism and social reality, which has been inherited from Jotirao Phule’s The Universal Religion of Truth ; from his writing we can discern quite clearly that he equates truth with reality. Truth has certain inevitable and determinable consequences for nativistic literary theory that it affords to judge literature in terms of its relationship to the world rather than in terms of inherent aesthetic criteria. At the heart of nativism lies a commitment to socialist humanism. Truth as a form of Indian social reality is not a simplistic as the western idea but it has Indian social ramifications from Buddha to Gandhi, hence nativism outwardly follows the Sartreian concept of freedom but inwardly emphasizes the Gandhian concept of absolute and relative truth which lies in the acceptance of the need for a corrective process of experimentation with our own experience. Nativism emphasizes Indian hungers : equality, modernity and spirituality, as absolute as well as relative truth. vi) Languge of the people: Nativism emphasizes the language of the people in the production of culture and priviledges the language and culture of the common folk as opposed to that of the elites, hence Buddha preferred Pali, Mahaveera Ardhamagadhi, Basaveshwara Kannada, Dnyaneshwara and Chakradhara Marathi and so on. Nemade’s nativistic anti-English attitude is Gandhian, which draws our attention to the central literary process in the Indian languages which are deeply rooted in the life of the people with the tradition of two thousand years. vii) Nativisation: Nativism does not mean to suggest that we should be blind to the experience of other nations and develop a kind of narrow nationalism; but it expects that the borrowed elements should be thoughtfully chosen and some of them should be properly nativised. The texture of a vibrant society is strengthened by nativization of abstract and concrete influences impinging from outside. In short, if we believe that nativisation is a value system explicit in theory and practice of Indian literature we should initiate a process of critical reconsideration of our existing culture material and practice it with confidence. Chapter – IV Nativism in Indian Literature An attempt has been made in the earlier chapters to give a detailed survey of Nativism in Marathi Literature and hints for certain comparative studies, particularly, with reference to the nativistic literary values. This work is one of the first attempts towards the creation of a Nativistic model for the study of Indian Literatures – their interrelations and independence, their proximities and distances, their differences in quality and quantity. This study will develop a model of multilingual, multi-literature history of Indian Literature. The efficacy of this model will be examined in future not only by the votaries of multi language literatures but also by the historians of literary complexes, particularly in multi lingual countries. In this chapter, the study focuses its inquires into Nativism in Indian literature in the selected Indian languages. The period covered in the present study is much longer : since 1960 upto the date i. e. nearly 47 years; and the literatures in the following languages approved by Sahitya Akademi have been considered for the purpose : |1 |Assamese |12 |Manipuri | |2 |Bengali |13 |Marathi | |3 |Bodo |14 |Nepali | |4 |Dogri |15 |Oriya | |5 |Gujarati |16 |Punjabi | |6 |Hindi |17 |Rajasthani | |7 |Kannada |18 |Santhali | |8 |Kashmiri |19 |Sindhi | |9 |Konkani |20 |Tamil | |10 |Maithili |21 |Telugu | |11 |Malayalam |22 |Urdu | Research skills, methods & methodology In the present study I have practiced the said skill set, extensively. Alongwith these research skills, I have used the following research methods : 1) Textual analysis 2) Discourse analysis 3) Questionnaire method. 4) Interview 5) ICT based method. 6) Creative writing as a research method. 7) Quantitative method Moreover the methods have been informed by background research into the context of the cultural artifact under scrutiny, the context of its production, its content and its consumption. In this process I have consulted, mainly, original sources for the purpose. Lastly the methods are relied on Nativistic perspective or methodology. Thus, in the light of nativistic theory, a study of nativism has been carried out in the subsequent sections and chapters. In the present study, within research specific contexts, interview data and questionnaire has been treated both as resource and as topic but where to put the emphasis depends on the individual research context. In the present study an attempt will be made to identify whether the concept of Nativism like all other similar artifact is valid for all Indian literatures in their respected languages. 4. Nativism in Indian literature: Outcome of the Study of Questionnaire and Interviews: i)Indian literature, though written in many languages, it has been observed that different regional literatures, i.e. Bhasha literatures, cherish and nourish nativism in different degrees. These literatures display a firmer hold on nativism; and all these literatures though not entirely free from the lures of literary modernism, present greater number of literary works with a splendid awareness of native tradition. ii)The strains of nativism are seen in all the Indian languages and literatures but they do not form the mainstream. However, Nativism has become a dynamic counter-literary movement in Indian Literature. After 1960s, many of the better literary works in Indian literature came from Nativistic writers. iii) As can be expected, Nativism suffered apathy and neglect of the literary establishments as well as stiff opposition from the established elite writers because Nativistic theory is the very reverse of elitist. Elitist represents particular sort of cultural breeding, Anglo-Brahmin in particular. When new kinds of students entered in higher education from supposedly uncultivated backgrounds, Nativistic theory helped them to emancipate literary works from the strangehold of a civilized sensibility. Consequently, Nativism expected literature itself to be an ordinary kind of language instantly available to everyone. Thus, Nativistic theory is shaped by a democratic impulse. As a result, the major literarya movements (currents) have been a part of the Nativistic movements. They are : Dalit, Gramin (rural), Aadivasi (tribal), feminist, muslim and so on. iv)One of the most important developments in Indian literature since 1960s in all the languages has perhaps been the breakdown of the colonial voice, a unifying concern that despite its varieties of articulation characterized the  literature that just preceded the 1960s. v)All the languages had certain father figures represented by specific concerns, conventions and forms characterized by Nativism. vi)The writers, in all the languages, were well aware of the indigenous traditions that were rich in situations, characters, symbols, motifs and archetypes that could well serve as a sourse of metaphors for the conflicts of modern life. vii)These writers raised basic theoretical questions, examined paradigm – shifts and interrogated the set canons. viii)Indian literature, in all the languages, deals with: a)impact of colonialism, b)the legacy of Indian literatute in the post colonial context, c)the continuities and discontinuities of colonial and post colonial Indian literature, d)the possible means of decolonization, e)modernism as a cultural pastiche, f)formal innovations intone with the Nativistic concerns and contents, g)development of Dalit literature and poetics of its own: subaltern literary theory, As a direct example of nativistic line of criticism, we have observed Nativism as a critical theory only in two languages : Kannada and Gujarati. Therefore, in this section, an attempt has been made to evaluate Nativism as a critical theory in Kannada and Gujarati literature. Chapter V Nativistic Readings: The present chapter aims to provide practical criticism vis-a-vis Nativism in Indian literature. It also provides a basic introduction to the Nativistic critical-interpretive perspective that a reader beginning a serious study may bring to bear on literature. This chapter simply demonstrates Nativism as a critical tool, what we call approach, hence it is suggestive rather than exhaustive. Its not definitive but it can suggest the possibilities in literature and literary criticism. Chapter – VI Nativistic Pedagogic Practices: In this chapter our aim has been to present an objective and comprehensive picture of a nativistic approach in teaching literature. Here, we have attempted to establish links between the nativistic approach and teaching methods. We have avoided personal evaluation, preferring to let the method speak for itself and allow readers to make their own appraisals. This study is not intended to popularize or promote nativistic approach only, nor is it an attempt to train teachers in the use of the methods described because teaching literature, as Elaine Showalter said, is not brain surgery, no one will die if we make a mistake about Dryden (2003:IX). Rather, it is designed to give the teacher an introduction to less commonly used method and set of literary canons by which to critically read, observe, analyse and question any literary work of art. Chapter VII Conclusions: Challenges: Ganesh Devi (1997:13) warns that Desivad in literary criticism must carefully guard itself against becoming a militant and closed ideology. It must bring to its practitioners a sense of self-discipline and self-search. Since the world has been shrinking as cultural space and since the exchanges between cultures have increased, Indian literary critics should think of the intellectual traffic between the West and India which has been becoming increasingly unilateral. It should be multi-lateral in the following ways : i) In India we have an ancient wisdom alongwith a stream of knowledge that has flown from the west. The confrontation between these two has brought both illumination as well as a sense of bewilderment. What is now needed is a methodology to disseminate this new wisdom. The exploration of new methodologies is the aim of all the research activities that is being carried out in this project. ii) We have to grasp the awareness that springs out of the harmony and confrontation of the sciences and the arts, the classical and the folk, the indigenous and the extraneous, the occidental and the oriental and the great and the little traditions. iii) We must also strive to express this awareness in Indian languages, as it is only such awareness which finds expression in one’s own language that is useful. iv) Translation, explication, interpretation and criticism are some of the ways in which the new awarensss could be created. v)It is a challenge for the writers to make use of the native resources and adopt them for the expression of modern consciousness. vi)The use of nativistic theory requires re-interpretation for the present cultural movement. vii)John Oliver Perry (2000:29) argues that Criticism of literary texts and even non-literary ones rarely nowadays limits its purview to purely verbal material, i. e. , written or oral tests, but extends its concerns to and from issues, places, perspectives in the wider world. So criticis in India is not merely from or for India, and it is not necessarily directly about India. But it is always at least implicityly a criticism of India. To that extent it contributes beyond the literary scene to the capacity of Indians to think about themselves, their culture and society, their future as well as their past. According to Perry (2000:45) Nativism supports regional culture rather than merely attacks the widening use and power of Indian English or of globalization. So, Nativism would seem to be potentially a prime movement opposing hegemonization and/or homogenization of India’s multicultural diversity. viii)The greatest impediment for Nativism is the problems that come of being, or being accused ‘of being, narrowly provincial, and traditional. But the diversity among regional writers is not found, in Indian context; regarding nativistic attitude. However, Nativism is not susceptible to national organization, but it sometimes ijis allied or confused with those political forces seeking not merely to loosen the bounds of the federal central government to the different states (usually organized within regional language boundries) but also to contain or restratin nationalism itself, which suggests a direct assault on the highly influential Hindutva movement (Perry, 2000:46). Nativism and globalization: Globalization, in literature, is appreciating the variety of desi (native) contents, themes, techniques, styles, literariness etc. of different regions, countries in their individual contexts. An open minded appreciation of a literary work as it is, in its own context, is what is expected in true globalization. The global literary theory can only be shaped by a decentralized impulse rather than a centralized one. This is what is the most positive way to emancipate literary works from the strangehold of a narrow nationalism and throw them open to a kind of analysis in which anyone could participate. The texture of a vibrant society, literature and culture could be strengthened by the multicultural participation and appreciation. It has been argued that the books can be exportable-importable commodities, not the literary values. Each nation has its unique culture and civilization, which may be called its soul. However, it does not mean that we should be blind to the experiences of the other nations and develop a kind of narrow nationalism; but it expects that the borrowed elements should be thoughtfully chosen and some of them should be properly nativised. In other words, globalization, in literature, is nativisation and vice-versa. Therefore, instead of talking glibly of internationalism and scoffing at nativism one should be in a position to decide: 1. which foreign elements need to be imported or borrowed and nativised, and 2. which native elements need to be exported or introduced and globalized. As a direct example of nativistic line of criticism we may look at the western critical concepts : modernism, post-modernism, realism, existentialism, Marxism, structuralism, deconstructionalism, feminism etc. which have been mechanically applied to Indian situation. These concepts could have been nativised after synthesis between these two worlds. Consider, for instance, feminism. In fact feminism is a global and revolutionally idealogy. However, there is an English, American, French and/or Black feminism, still it is global. Then why can there not be an Indian feminism. The Black women unite together under the banner of womanism which denies even the vocabulary of the white race. It was this non-vedik tradition pleaded for equal and common human rights for women and men. It may therefore be assumed that India is culturally mature enough to manipulate the new ideas to its advantage. The Indian feminism could be strengthened by the nativisation of French, English, American and/or Black Feminism. The process of nativisation makes us aware of the fact that our native elements must be exported or introduced and globalised. This is not simply give-and-take policy or export-import market logic if looked into the matter of book industry, leaving aside the literary values Nativism does believe that globalization is a value system in Indian Literature, hence need to export and globalize Indian creative and critical literature in order to stop the unilateral intellectual traffic and encourage the multilateral traffic between India and the rest of the world. Thus, one can follow nativisation and globalization, Globalizing Indian literature is easily possible only through global language, and without doubt, the Indians must accept that English is the world’s first truly global language. Therefore, the only way to globalize Indian literature in general, and nativism in particular, would be to translate into English. Thus, from the outset, Gandhi’s mission was global, hence preferred translations and like Gandhi, Nemade, the father of Indian Nativism, recommends a well-planned programme of translations from the regional languages into English and vice-versa. English education has made us all mental translators in varius measures of efficiency.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Embryonic Stem Cell Research is Morally and Medically Ethical Essay

Introduction Issue ( Background)   Science and technology have opened many doors of progress in all areas of business.   On such area far exceeds mere business and industry and touches upon human life itself.   The medical community has reached a point where it can quite possibly create new and healthy cells and organs to replace those that are damaged.   This process is made possible through embryonic stem cell research (ESCR). Embryonic stem cells, as suggested by the name are extracted from embryos that have been fertilized in a laboratory setting for use by sterile couples and then, for whatever reason, are donated for research.   These cells are about five days old (Stem Cell Basics).   The cells are then developed and grown in a culture medium and shipped to other laboratories for further research. These stem cells are special because they can be converted through genetic manipulation to be any type of cell desired. â€Å"To generate cultures of specific types of differentiated cells—heart muscle cells, blood cells, or nerve cells, for example—scientists try to control the differentiation of embryonic stem cells. They change the chemical composition of the culture medium, alter the surface of the culture dish, or modify the cells by inserting specific genes† (Stem Cell Basics).   The benefit of this process is that these new healthy cells can be used to replace defective or diseased cells in individuals, in effect curing them of certain ailments. Conflict, c. Stance and d. Enthymeme The controversy with this particular procedure stems from the fact that extracting these cells effectively kills the developing embryo, called at this stage a zygote.   Those who believe that these cells constitute a human being, liken the process of extracting stem cells to abortion and murder (Robinson).   Those that do not believe this way see the major medical benefits as outweighing the death of an unwanted and unused zygote.   Most of the arguments against ESCR are religious in nature while those that favor it are following pragmatic and realistic processes.   In light of the medically invaluable information and hope it provides, embryonic stem cell research should legally continue with full funding from the federal government.   II. Grounds  Ã‚   Even as focus has turned toward adult stem cell research, ESCR remains the most valuable and efficient way of utilizing stem cells for medical purposes.   In 2005, the United Kingdom announced that it was considering opening a stem cell bank using embryonic stem cells.   Its research team at the University of Cambridge found that only 150 human embryos would be needed to created genetic material for approximately two-thirds of the population.   The bank hopes to use these cells to replace â€Å"diseased or damaged tissue in conditions such as diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders† (Lita). Embryonic stem cells can help treat neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s and endocrinal disorders such as diabetes.   Embryonic stem cells can be transformed into dopamine-producing neurons because these stem cells can be transformed into virtually any body cell including nerve cells and pancreatic cells.   These cells can then begin producing dopamine or insulin as the case may be. (Kennell). Victims of spinal cord injuries may soon be able to regain motor control as the result of ESCR.   Preliminary research shows that it is possible to train embryonic stem cells to retrace neuro-motor pathways.   Douglas Kerr, M.D., Ph.D. of Johns Hopkins University notes that â€Å"This is proof of the principle that we can recapture what happens in early stages of motor neuron development and use that to repair damaged nervous systems†Ã‚   (Embryonic Stem Cells Repair Latent Motor Nerve). III. Warrant Despite its proven medical capabilities and hope for many other medical uses, ESCR has found virulent opposition from conservatives and the religious community.   Their arguments hinge on the use of a living human being as fodder for medical experimentation.   These arguments are suspect, even flawed, for several reasons, both philosophical and biological. Generally speaking, the more practical and pragmatic medical argument must be valued over the religious beliefs of some. First, many will argue for the analogy between ESCR and murder.   Many differences exist.   As stated earlier, the zygote in question is only five days old.   In no way could this particular cluster of cells contain life at this point – only the potential for life, which is basically the case whenever a woman and a man have intercourse.   Lawyers from the National Institute of Health agree, noting that â€Å"stem cells are incapable of growing into a complete person. They may be coaxed to develop into nerve cells or heart cells. But, at most, they can become an organ, not a complete living person. They cannot be considered a form of human life, even within the definition of pro-life supporters† (Robinson). Doctors even give biological explanations for this conclusion:     Ã¢â‚¬Å"Human embryos are defined as human organisms derived by fertilization from one or more gametes or diploid cells. Pluripotent stem cells are specialized subpopulation of cells capable of developing into most (ectoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm), but not all, human tissue and may be derived from human embryos†Ã‚   (Chesney).   Medically, even the cells are not the same. However, the zygotes are being stored indefinitely at in-vitro fertilization clinics.   For example, in the United States are over 350 fertility clinics that offer the in-vitro fertilization process.   When a women submits herself to the procedure, about 25 ova are removed from her body and fertilized with her husband’s (or other donor’s) sperm.   Only 2-4 of the embryos are used in the fertilization procedure and the rest are frozen in liquid nitrogen to save for later use.   Generally, these remaining 20 or so embryos stay in the clinic indefinitely.   Few couples use them all, and even fewer agree to donate them to other infertile couples. Many embryos die due to changes in temperature or movement, and some clinics even throw the excess embryos away or use them in training staff (Robinson).   The birth control pill blocks a fertilized ovum from implanting as does an intrauterine device (IUD).   These two devices, along with discarding the embryos or using them for training, also affect the potential for life but are not so reviled.   Moreover, the embryos’ ‘owners’ must always give consent to use these embryos for research; nobody is tricked during this process (Robinson). Basically, if these cells are not used for ESCR, they will ultimately be used for nothing. Second, many opponents argue that adult stem cell research (ASCR) could replace ESCR and save the embryos.   This is not yet the case, if it ever will be.   First of all, the nature of the stem cells are different in adults and in embryos.   Embryonic stem cells are more flexible and can become virtually any cell of any organ or tissue in the body.   Adult stem cells are much more limited and cannot even be found in many organs or tissues in the body. Moreover, adult stems cells are limited in number, even considered ‘minute’ in quantity and are very hard to identify.   Embryonic stem cells are easy to identify and exist in large, usable numbers.   Most importantly, embryonic stem cells are virtually blank, making them easy to manipulate into other tissues.   Adult stem cells can contain genetic defects or â€Å"DNA errors caused by replication or exposure to toxins† (Cohen). ESCR has been the focus of scientist for nearly two decades while ASCR has just begun to get some notice.   Because of the emergence of ASCR, the opponents want to completely ban ESCR, not understanding that it is the reason that ASCR is even possible.   However, because of the religious issues, ASCR is being forced into the limelight while ESCR has lost funding. As a result, Dr. Helen Blau, ironically an adult stem cell researcher at the Stanford University, argues that she feels â€Å"strongly we need embryonic stem cells. The answers are not just going to come from the adult stem cells and it would be extremely short-sighted to shift completely to just adult stem cells† (Cohen).   While adult stem cells may provide promise in the future, their use in the present is simply not as lucrative or promising as those of embryonic stem cells at this point in time. Backing and V. Conditions of rebuttal Most arguments in opposition to ESCR originate in the religious realm.   Dr. Dr. David Prentice,   professor of life sciences at Indiana State University and founder of Do No Harm, The Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics notes precisely this when he asserts, â€Å"The root of the debate really comes down to the ethical question of what’s the moral status of a human embryo.   Is it a person or is it a piece of property? And obviously we have no consensus on that in this country and I think that means we should not use taxpayer funds to fund this type of research†Ã‚   (Cohen). Yet, historically, this religious realm, when mixed with federal forces, has been squelched in other instances.   For example, removing the ten commandments from federal buildings, denying prayer in school, and eliminate swearing under God to affirming under oath in courtroom proceedings are just a few of the ways that the government has attempted to separate the church and the state.   Why is the religious conservative view allowed to proliferate here when it is not allowed to do so in other instances? Similarly, the force of this religious surge against ESCR is the loss of life.   While the beginning moment of human life is hugely debatable, does ESCR not also promote life?   Lawyers and medical ethicists in favor of ESCR note that â€Å"Stem cells have an enormous promise to benefit mankind — to save lives and cure or treat diseases. This generates a very strong moral imperative to explore their potential† (Robinson). Similarly, the conservative and religious opposition seems to even contradict their own opinion by not voicing concern about in-vitro fertilization clinics in general.   As noted above, clinics routinely destroy abandoned embryos by flushing them down drains, incinerating them, or exposing them to room temperature†Ã‚   (Hall).   Basically, unused, destroyed embryos number in the hundreds of thousands in fertility clinics across the country, but these clinics are not subjected to the political manipulation that ESCR is, which only uses a dozen or two embryos in the clinical setting. Furthermore, the â€Å"parents† of these embryos are never challenged.   The donors get to decide the fate of their unused embryos.   The choices are to leave them to the use of the clinic, to donate them or to destroy them.   Dr. Carl Herbert, president of the San Francisco Fertility Centers, notes that while this loss may seem harsh, it simply mimics the natural reproductive cycle. He points out that Out of all the embryos created by sexual intercourse, roughly 3 out of 4 do not last long enough to produce a baby. About half of the fertilized eggs are lost even before the woman misses her first period following conception† (Hall).   Dr. Marcelle Cedars, a fertility specialist at the University of California at San Francisco’s IVF clinic agrees.   He argues that it is â€Å"unrealistic to expect technology to do much better at preserving the lives of early-stage embryos. Human reproduction is a very inefficient process and it is difficult to afford a higher status to embryos than nature does† (Hall). Qualifier Of course nobody wants to believe that a promising medical science field could be corrupt or greedy.   Even ESCR should operate under certain moral guidelines. In no way should an embryo ever be used in any way except by that to which its donor consents.   In addition, donors should not create embryos for the sheer purpose to sell them to clinics, as the process should result as a by-product of extra embryos create for potential implantation and not create any additional embryos not for that purpose.   Finally, tricking or deceiving individuals into donating embryos or withholding information about their use would also be morally wrong. VII. Conclusion ESCR is not the enemy of the moral fiber of the United States.   It is a medically promising procedure that does not violate any right to life laws.   Religious opposition to certain issues will always exist, but in recent history, it has not been allowed in interfere with federal political, social or educational decision-making.   Clearly other possibilities and alternatives to ESCR may arise, but until these options are as viable as ESCR, they should not be allowed to interfere with the medical promise of this type of research. Works Cited Chesney, Russell et al. American Academy of Pediatrics, Human Embryo Research Committee   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   on Pediatric Research and Committee on Bioethics.   Pediatrics 108 (3), 3 Sept. 2001:     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   813-816.   Retrieved 1 April 2008 from full/pediatrics;108/3/813 Cohen, Elizabeth.   Adult stem cells or embryonic? Scientists differ.   10   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   August 2001.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retrieved 1 April 2008 from 08/09/stem.cell.alternative/ Embryonic Stem Cells Repair Latent Motor Nerve.   Science Daily. 28 June 2006. Retrieved 1   Ã‚   April 2008 from  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   motor-nerve/ Hall, Carl T. â€Å"The forgotten embryo: Fertility clinics must store or destroy the surplus that is part   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   of the process.†   SF Gate News.   20 Aug. 2001. at: Kennell, David.   The promise of stem cell research. People’s Weekly World Newspapers.   29   Ã‚   July 2006.   Retrieved 1 April 2006 from Lita, Ana.   Embryonic Stem Cell Research: New Developments and Controversies.   MedBioWorld.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   10 October 2006.   Retrieved 1 April 2008 from postgenomics_blog/?p=138 Robinson, B.A. Human Stem Cells – Ethical Concerns.   Religious Tolerance.   17 Oct. 2002.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Retrieved 1 April 2008 from   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Stem Cell Basics.†Ã‚   The National Institutes of Health.   20 Feb. 2008.   Retrieved 1 April 2008 from

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Influence of Perception on Interpersonal Communication Essay

Influence of Perception on Interpersonal Communication - Essay Example As noted by Wood (2010), there is a need to distinguish facts from inferences for interpersonal communication to be considered competent. The author clearly defined facts as â€Å"an objective statement based on observation; (while) an inference involves an interpretation that goes beyond the facts† (p. 85). In this regard, the essay aims to present instances when languages are used to accurately signify facts as contrasted to inferences. Through observing conversations with people one normally interacts with, the discourse would find and discuss instances when tentative language would be more accurate; and when there is a need to distinguish between fact and inferences, and to address them, as required. Using Tentative Language In addressing the requirements of becoming more sensitive to the difference between facts and inferences, one observed interpersonal communication that occurred within one’s family members and noted the following: In one instance, I asked my hus band to load the washer and empty the dryer. I specifically said: â€Å"Honey, I am still finishing up preparing for lunch. Would you please see that the washer is loaded and find out if the drying is likewise empty?† I proceeded preparing our meal and by the time I remembered what I asked my husband to do, I found out that nothing was done. I could have easily inferred based on one’s initial perception that â€Å"My God! Honey, you are such as irresponsible person. The tasks I requested you to do is so simple; yet, you did not comply! You are so insensitive and selfish!† By using tentative words, one could initially reflect that â€Å"my husband may be irresponsible or may be insensitive or selfish† so as not to treat the inference as a fact. However, by analyzing the situation, the fact is that the washer was not loaded and the dryer was not emptied. Now, one would like to know the reasons why these tasks were not complied as requested. Therefore, I ask ed my husband: â€Å"Honey, I told you earlier to please see that the washer is loaded and find out if the drying is likewise empty. How come you did not comply?† My husband replied: â€Å"Oh, I am so sorry dear. I did not hear what you said. I went out for a while this morning to take the garbage out. You must have thought I was still in the living room when you gave the instructions. I will do it now.† So, apparently, the reason why the tasks were not complied, as instructed was that my husband was not even there when I relayed the message. Had I barged and shouted the terms I inferred such as â€Å"irresponsible, insensitive and selfish† I would have definitely gone beyond the facts. Extending the Observation When the observation was extended to other people, the work setting is the most appropriate environment where facts and inferences abound. My husband relayed to me his experience in the workplace as he was requested by his boss to work with other personn el, as a team in complying with a new project of targeting new customers to increase their monthly sales. The boss specifically identified a colleague, Mr. X, to conduct a simple market research on a Friday afternoon at the nearby supermarket to determine if their products are fast moving and who their competitors are. The details are needed

Friday, September 27, 2019

Online Learning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Online Learning - Research Paper Example Today employers in all branches of business are especially interested in executors who are able not only work with modern technologies but also are willing to study simultaneously with the working process. Such combination is possible only in case of distant or online education. Therefore leaders of the leading business stress important role of online education of future specialists as such practice will ensure constant knowledge refreshment (Kazi-Ferrouillet, 1989). Extension of online education courses requires restructuring of public education. From the one point of view, this will help to prepare future specialists to the modern technological environment but there is another point of view – online education may influence the performance of students and such influence may be positive as well as negative (David, 1991). The conflict between requirements of the business world and general requirements for educational programs, which are very often can’t be met by online educational courses, is the one to be solved. There are a lot of teachers and students who support online education, teachers because they can deliver information to larger audience and students because they don’t have to attend classes (Mehlinger, 1996); for this instance, online education gain stronger positions in higher and secondary school (Grimm, 1995). Online education, online educational networks, and development of these trends in education have attracted special attention of the educational world.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Brand Strategy Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Brand Strategy Analysis - Case Study Example The company also maintains threats that come directly from the consumer and their attitude regarding Starbucks’ quality and viability to fit their needs. Domestically, the success in consumer attitude or its previous ability to corner the market on unique coffee products met with higher capital growth for expansion into new market environments. However, the business has had to adjust its marketing strategies to include extension into the virtual environment, as only one example, because of this influence. Coupled with growth in competition know-how and product replication, Starbucks is unsure of whether its expansion from years prior will continue to serve its sustainability or growth objectives. The extension of other value-added products such as theater tickets or other branded merchandise is one contingency for revenue production that meets with short-term gains based on social or cultural trends. However, Starbucks seems to be able to recognize the appropriate short-term b randing partnerships and builds, at least, a short-run increase in sales growth. Starbucks’ hot spot music-related product focus is yet another example of its short-term focus in gaining higher revenues. Using reputable artists or other media to explore new technologies and sounds appealed to a buyer sentiment in the late 1990s at a time when there was little in terms of social media or other advertising formats. These strategies are now facing competition from major players in music downloads and kiosk formats such as Apple iTunes and multitudes of music downloading and access sites. This requires Starbucks to be always flexible regarding its strategic goals for gaining new market share or improving its capital position to be used in expansion or other business objectives related to outperforming other industry leaders or direct competitors. Success, Growth and the Global Brand They key successes are in environmental scanning to recognize opportunities in measurement to comp etition and buyer attitudes driven either by social factors, cultural factors or generic attitudes toward coffee and its innovations or convenience. Extension into non-food product offerings shows this flexibility and understanding of environmental forces that influence how the company manages its total product offering package. The company was able to build its positive brand based on quality by reinforcing through advertising and actual product that it was a best-in-class offering using only quality ingredients and development expertise. It was an engrained strategy used to appeal to mass market groups of varying demographics that never changed its positioning to create a portrait in the minds of consumers against competition. Starbucks’ growth strategy seemed a bit premature, extending itself into unknown markets too quickly without adequate knowledge of what their social trends included. Joint ventures and other partnerships provided the expertise and/or funding necessary to achieve this sudden growth, however only so much knowledge can be developed when most efforts are directed toward product innovation as a key goal or branding attribute. The partnerships with agencies such as Marriott were a practical and realistic method of introducing Starbucks into new environments where coffee consumption was typical. However, with high risks of cheapening the brand and allowing it to be leveraged and capitalized upon by knowledge leaders in the partner or joint

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Discussion Week 1b Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Week 1b - Assignment Example The first written language of accounting systems constitutes the use of symbols in various memoranda such as goods and business ideals (Albu, 2013). In early Babylonia and ancient Egypt society, a number of stone transaction dated back to 3600 BC were recorded indicating the beginning of auditing in the past centuries (Stone, 2014). In Ancient Egypt and Babylon there are a lot of evidences indicating that the scribes were well educated and involved in finances systems, businesses, auditing, accounting and other inventory balances in the Pharaoh government. Scribes had the ability to do simple arithmetic’s, read and write various government revenues policies (Albu, 2013). In the early Persian civilization system, tax collection and finance auditing were done by the king empire agencies (Stone, 2014). Furthermore, in Hebrew civilization, the scribes involved in financial auditing for goods received by the king. A number of scholars also argued that the Ancient Greece society uses slaves in order to conduct and embrace accounting and auditing practices (Boyd, 2004). The Athens uses around ten accountants and checking clerks in tax collection as well as reporting income profits and government revenues to the general public (Stone, 2014). The Roman Empire also practiced a number of accounting procedures including the provision of checks, financial recordings as well as counter checks practices (Stone, 2014). In the Middle Ages accounting system decline but was later reestablished in many European countries. It is also clear from the articles that the private sectors also involved in auditing and accounting systems in early centuries. Accounting system was not properly recorded in the early civilizations but from the Middle Ages onwards most of the accounting systems were well recorded (Stone, 2014). Therefore, from these articles it is clear that accounting is one of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Essay

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families - Essay Example The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program is a grant that aims to help move recipients into work, and therefore turn the welfare into a temporary assistance program. The report focuses on effecting changes in the social programs of the United States. It targets the branch of the government that deals with temporary assistance for families classified as needy (TANF). The recipients of this report are the various organizations, both governmental and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), which deal with welfare funding. Following the continuous complaints from American citizens about the social welfare of the working class, the issue of primary concern is that the current program falls under the Social Security Act enacted on August 14th, 1935. The nation has formed welfare recipients under the renewed act. The renewed act is the Personal Responsibility Act of 1996 based on work opportunity reconciliation. Problem Statement According to government statistics, the TANF program is represented by 31% of white families, 33% black, and 29% Hispanic (Kearn, 2000). It is important to note that the aim of the program is to provide funds to needy families with a five-year limit on financial assistance. In fact, total welfare spending for the year ending 2010 reached an astounding $900 billion. The problem arises when, even with the large amounts spent on assisting poor families, more families keep being added to the system.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Discuss the Iranian Constitutional Revolution's causes and outcomes Essay

Discuss the Iranian Constitutional Revolution's causes and outcomes - Essay Example The Iranian constitutional Revolution of 1906 stands to highlight the pivotal moment, that shaped the formation of the modern Iraq nation. The Iranian society underwent a series of changes that affected its power relations, social structure, and the political language (Campo, 2009:55). In addition, the relentless European penetration into the nation led to its subsequent weakening, affecting the economy as well as the traditional elites thus bringing Iran in the doorsteps of the expanding capitalism system (Afary, Anderson & Foucault, 2005:90). This processes led the country into a change of the constitution. This research paper will analyze the chronology of events that necessitated Iran’s new constitutional dispensation, first the birth of the revolution, secondly the causes of the constitutional revolution and thirdly the outcomes of the constitutional revolution. The itinerary of the revolution To begin with, the itinerary of Iran’s constitutional birth traces back to the days of Qajar regime (Sohrabi, 2011:48). A journey shed new light to the country. It highlighted the role of ordinary citizens, peasantry, the status of women, and the multifaceted structure of the Iranian society, in the course of realizing the new law reforms. As stated earlier in the introduction, the new changes in the military, administrative, educational, and judicial reforms led to emergency of new institutions and a new social stratum of intellectuals. As this seemed not going to end, the simplification of the Persian prose, which aimed at articulating it to a new system of historical narration no longer basing on Muslim, was on its way to change the existing social norms (Daniel, 2000:54). As a reason to this, the dominant Iranian conversation or discourse changed. This discourse, which was the bonding element between state and religion, led to the emergency of new relations of power and knowledge. People shifted away from the use of possessors of knowledge to being spiritualists (Katouzian, 2006:105). They now referred to the religious elites. At this level, it is clear that the country was operating on two different and opposing blocs. Qajar regime tried to create social reforms in the existing institutions. The regime-faced collisions even from clergies who had became an important component of the power bloc. As a result, with each group having its own resolutions and visions, the end was a conflict of interest. This slowed down the pace of reforms. The lag in the realization of reforms increased the dissatisfaction between the merchants and the intellectuals. Consequently, this brought uneasiness to the Qajar’s. At this stage, the merchants and the intellectuals opposed the government’s slow pace because they believed they possessed more revitalized ideas. All those who were for the reforms and those who formed the pact of not in support, ganged up to discredit the government due to its despotism of the state (Sohrabi, 2011:66 ). The aftermath of this was the fight that targeted despotism. This brought together even the opposing forces, which prior had diverse antagonistic demands and aspirations. In this emerging discourse, the political space divided into two (Afary, Anderson & Foucault, 2005:114). There was the state on one side and the antagonistic poles on the other (people and the state). On the side of the, opposing force, only one thing unified them, the defense of their creed (defense of the millat). At this time, there was a radical

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Benefits of a College Degree Essay Example for Free

The Benefits of a College Degree Essay Going to college to earn a degree is very important and is also an advantage for me in today?s world. I have many different reasons why I?m getting a degree. One reason is because important to have a goal, to work toward something. Having a long term goal helps me stay motivated. Most importantly getting a degree will insure that I will be personally and financially stable. Even though obtaining a college degree will help me in so many different ways in my life. Going to college is very taxing; emotionally, physically and financially. No matter how many times succeed or fail at my goals, going to college is an eye opener for me. There are so many goals I will have through out my life, none of them being as important as obtaining a college degree. Some people may say that my family is the most important achievement in my life. But a degree is in ways more important. It ensures that I will provide the best life for my family. On the other hand my family is what gives me the courage to wake up every morning and look forward to going to school to learn knew things. Working toward my degree keeps my mind focused. Having a long term goal is key in my life. Because no matter what happens I know that the next day I will be dedicating time from my life to achieve something most people only think about doing. I hope I can stay motivated enough to get more classes done. And to do my best at all times, even if my best is scraping by. Because at that time it was my best. These are small goals, but these goals will add up to a more important achievement in the end. The personal and financial stability I will get from a college education is priceless. Knowing that for eight years I didn?t quiet for anything to achieve my degree will be the greatest feeling ever. All of the motivation, dedication, wisdom, and courage that I will gain thought out my college carrier will be strongest part of my personal stability. Because of my college education I will be able to get a well paying job with benefits that will ensure the financial stability I need for my family. Knowing that the income from my job will enable me to not worry about having enough money for retirement is very satisfying. Being able to pay for my children?s education is very important to me and the well being of my children. Thanks to this financial stability I will be able to sleep a little better. There are many down falls to having a college carrier. Finding the time in my busy life to sit down and do hours of homework. It is difficult to wake up early every morning and go to work for eight grueling hours, then go home inhale my dinner, then rush to school. Only to come home and do homework for hours, go to bed late and wake up early and go through the same thing again. Not only is this exaughsting, it is emotionally hard as well. Not getting enough quality time with my family is hard to deal with. Not having time to do homework causes school work to be late. Which causes my grades to slip and my G.P.A to fall. In order to receive assistance for tuition I need to maintain my G.P.A. If my G.P.A were to fall I could be putt on academic probation. In turn I would need to work overtime to make up for money lost. College can be very physically and emotionally demanding. Obtaining a college degree is very important. A degree will help me to become personal and financially stable. Achieving this goal will help me in everyday life.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Boyz N the Hood Essay Example for Free

Boyz N the Hood Essay In the movie Boyz N the Hood there is a constant conflict that follows many of the characters. The movie takes place in South Central Los Angeles, which is a very dangerous neighborhood. There are lots of shootings, drugs, and other crimes which take place there on a daily basis. This is a predominantly African American neighborhood and the movie portrays this idea with all black people. Throughout the movie, the conflict of every day violence and crime asserts itself and makes life tough for these young men. Tre, the main character, is forced to move in with his dad after he breaks a contract with his mom and gets into a little scuffle with one of his classmates at school. While living with his dad, he gets a taste of this bad neighborhood very early. The first night he is staying with his father, a burglar sneaks into the house and attempts to rob the house. Tre’s father hears the burglar in the family room and grabs his magnum and shoots at him frightening Tre. A day or two later after Tre gets back from the beach with his father he comes home to the sight of his good friend Doughboy getting taken away in a police car. He stole from a market because he had no money, got caught, and as a result he gets sent to jail. He realizes very quickly while living with his father that there is a lot of danger that is around him. The movie fast forwards seven years and the scene is a party at Ricky and Doughboy’s house, who are brothers. Doughboy had returned from one of his few trips to jail and there is a little welcome back party to celebrate for him. Shortly after his return, doughboy is hanging outside with two of his friends when a black man rips the necklace of his friend’s neck and bolts off. The three boys chase down the man and beat him on the ground; punching, kicking, and throwing a trash can at him and they get the necklace back. While Tre, Ricky, Doughboy, and the rest of their crew are at the Crenshaw car show one night, Ricky is bumped by a random man. Both crews start getting into and chipping back and forth and after the other men leave, the other crew unloads uzi clips into the air causing everyone to scatter. The following day Ricky and Tre are on a walk back to Ricky’s house from the market when they spot the red car in which the men from the other night ride in. They hop a fence and make it to a back alley and decide to split up. While Ricky is walking down the alley he spots the car again and tries to run away. They fire a shotgun at him twice and hit him in the leg and the chest. He instantly dies right in front of his best friend Ricky. Later that evening Doughboy and two of the other boys go to avenge their fallen brother. They find the three boys at a cafà © late at night and end up gunning down all three of them for killing Ricky. Day after day in South Central there is violence and crime and there is no getting away from that. At the end of the movie it says that Doughboy was murdered just two weeks later. The movie takes place in a very dangerous neighborhood and for some of the boys they pay the ultimate price, death. Luckily for Tre he is able to stay out of the violence, but he himself is put at gunpoint twice during the movie. No matter what the boys do there is nothing they can do about the crime and violence that takes place in their neighborhood. Day in and day out there is some kind of crime going on around them. This conflict haunts Tre and his friends throughout the whole movie, and unfortunately he loses to of his good longtime friends.

Friday, September 20, 2019

SWOT Analysis of HM

SWOT Analysis of HM The paper provides an overview on Hennes Mauritz (HM), analyzing the industry environment and the position in the retail market. The paper also explores the impact of the recession upon the human resource management activities, based on publicly available details of HM, which has been analyzed and presented within the context of the perspective. Introduction The retail industry is usually a very dynamic, and a fast changing sector in the market. It represents one of the main sectors in the UK economy, in terms of employment, transactions and turnover, so that as a consequence, it is a highly competitive and a sophisticated industry. Thompson (2002) argues that economic conditions are an important element in the industry and he states that they may affect the way, weather easy or difficult, a business runs the activity successfully and profitable .Furthermore he claims that economic conditions may affect both capital availability, cost and demand. Companies in the fashion sector have to keep all the time the attention on monitoring the market, and should try to identify any new trends as soon as possible and, above all, they have to keep up with the customers increasing expectations, needs and changing tastes. As the paper shows above, the analysis will be on the HennesMauritz fashion business which is considered one of the worlds favourite and preferred designers of clothes and accessories for man, women, teenagers and babies. In addition, HM its also known not only for the fashion cosmetics and accessories but also because of the quality of the clothes ,using sustainable materials like organic cotton, wool and organic denim, all being environmental friendly (HM website (1), viewed 20 October 2010). According to the Datamonitor (2010, p.4) HM is a large clothing retailer with its operations primarily set in Europe, North America, and Asia, owning in 2009 1,988 stores worldwide and reaching sales of 119 billion Sweden Kronor. (HM website (2), viewed 20 October 2010). The companys main office is based in Stockholm, Sweden and employs almost 76,000 workers out of which more than 53,476 are on full time employment as of November 2009. HMs strategic approach is to offer designer clothes to general population at affordable prices, the company working with such brand names as Stella McCartney, Karl Lagerfeld, Roberto Cavalli and Lanvin (Capell Beucke 2005, p. 16; Kroll 2004, p. 71; Zimmerman 2009, p. D1; WWD 2010, p. 2). RECESSION IN RETAIL SECTOR Nowadays almost all kinds of industries are willing to maintain their competitive position in the market during the recession period. Most of the challenges that the retail market faces are related to the economic and the financial aspects. The fashion industry faced unfavourable situation due to the reduction of the money spent on clothes, but also due to the change in consumers behaviour. According to Kambil (2009) recession should last less than 2 years, and managers should take full advantage of this in order to rethink and renew their strategies and their competitive positions in the UK retail market. The UK retail market was just one of the industries hit by the global economic downturn, as shoppers were forced to limit their spending and consumer confidence was shaken by the failure of important retail giants like Woolworth. With the retail market getting back on its feet in 2010 particularly the online sales segment, where UK web sales grew by 18% in August 2010 (BBC website, ), compared with the same month a year earlier one of the most pressing concerns is whether there will be long-term effects on consumer confidence or spending. The retail industry has been an excellent contributor to the UKs economy. According to the British Retail Consortium, the retail sector is one of the second largest employers in the UK, employing 11% of the UK workforce, some 2.9 million people as of March 2009. Historical evidences depict that the UKs economic development has been dominantly fuelled by the successes in the fashion industry especially because of the existence of 286,680 retail outlets in the UK (British Retail Consortium website). Over all these years, industrial success in textiles and fashion goods component have been significant and can be attributed to the continuous change and improvements in the lifestyle of the shoppers and the increasing value being placed to such products. Consumers constantly experimented different looks, styles, fabrics and ideas and their interest in fashion accessories has been stimulated by high media exposure, which have been growing over the last few years. This assiduous rise in the consumer spending on fashion products led to practically unchallenged growth in the industry. Despite the crisis in this sector of the economy, some of the organizations managed to grow their market share. According to Kambil (2008) companies need to focus their attention on the market share and in addition they had to launch new products and adjust the existing ones in order to improve their relations with the customers. Using HM as a company example, they tried to beat the effects of the downturn, by launching designer clothes in partnership with well-know designers like Jimmy Choo, Roberto Cavalli and Lanvin this November (HM website, viewed 21 October 2010). Moreover the economic recession has affected many HR Processes and they needed to be adapted to the new economic environment and furthermore they had to be ready to face the new reality. The impact of the recession is not the same and many HR Processes can continue their regular operation without any adjustment. Even if recession has affected many fashion organisations, closing stores or slashing prices, one of the big retailers operating on the UK market, HM ,was keeping quite well, in addition they were opening stores, entering new markets, and adding new brands (Spiegel website, April 9 2008, ). Another major effect of the recession in the retail industry is the staff redundancies. According to The Telegraph website there is an important downsizing in this sector, which may affect retail organisations in many ways. The article shows that at the beginning of 2009 economists were announcing massive staff reductions between 100,000 and 135,000 jobs due to the severity of the slowdown. Moreover the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development predicted at that time more than 600,000 jobs will be lost and many companies will be forced to freeze their workforces pay. Sales have been also suffering by the economic downturn, reporting a volume of retail sales lower with 0.1% than October last year (National Statistics Online website, Among the factors that should be taken into consideration is the current economic growth rate in the nation. This directly refers to an economys rise in value of services or goods produced. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in the case of United Kingdom, the economic growth rate in 2010 grew by 1.1% in the second quarter of the year (BBC website, National Statistics Online website, ). Another economic factor that may influence retail business in the fashion industry is the inflation. According to the BBC newspaper, the Consumer Price Index (CPI), inflation increased to 3.2% in October from 3.1% per cent in the previous month (BBC newspaper,, Appendix A) SWOT Analysis of HM According to Armstrong (2004) SWOT is defined as (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and is a popular framework for developing a marketing strategy. SWOT analysis is basically done to find out if they have sufficient resources to cover their weakness and still achieve their objective. Strength Hennes Mauritz AB build its strengths by operating through complementary retail channels stores, Internet, and printed catalogues. According to Datamonitor (2010) one of the significant strength of HM Company is the request for its products which rise up the inventory turnover and enables low price cut. Customer express their preference for HM product especially clothes because of its quality at the best price but also because of the stores which are refreshed and reordered daily with new garments products. Moreover, collaboration with designer like Karl Lagerfeld, Stella McCartney, Roberto Cavalli and Lanvin this November, which are very well know worldwide, will improve the desire for their garments ,but also will accelerate sales growth ( Business week website, viewed 19 October 2010) . Another major strength of HM is the presence on different markets such as Europe, North America and Asia with almost 2000 stores (HM website (4), viewed 20 October 2010). This fact is a positive aspect for the company because they can diversify their risk, but also be sustainably- financially, socially and environmentally (CSR Report 2009). Weaknesses One of the most important and noticeable weakness that HM encounters is the segment that the fashion company targets. HM designs clothes for young customers offering them the HM Divided and HM L.O.G.G collections. Second fact that can be taken into consideration as a weaknesses is the shoppers base which is influenced by the macro economic environment in a negative way (Datamonitor 2010).The article claims that HM focus on the young segment of the market, which is one of the worst hit by the recession, with 21% rate of unemployment for teenagers under age of 25. Opportunities First of all, one of the most important opportunities that HM faces is the e-commerce. According to Datamonitor (2010) HM online sales grew by 22% with 4.7% of the total retail online sales in Europe. Moreover the online sales within more 17 European Countries (such as France, UK, Germany) are estimated to grow by 11% each year over the next five years. Even if the recession affected the retail industry, Hennes Mauritz opened in 2009 250 stores worldwide with 25 more than they planned. (HM website (3), viewed 21 October 2010) Second of all, the expansion plans 2010-1011 for HM intend to reach a 10-15 % each year. The Company tries to focus on markets like Asia where the sales double over, China Japan and South Korea. (Financial times website October 20, 2010). Another opportunity that HM takes full advantage of is the use of organic cotton which classified the company in the top twelve global brands and retailer using organic cotton. Threats Threats of the company are also related to the economic recession because shoppers spend less money on clothes. Over the year 2010 employment were expected to become worse, peaking towards the end of the year at approximately 10.3% and consumers were expected to apply for benefits. Second major threat for the organisation is the VAT which has been reduced in the UK in 2008 by 15% and in January 2010 has been changed again do 17.5%. Apart of this change the cost for cotton has been modified as well with almost 60-75 % by the end of 2009 and with 20-30% during 2010 (Datamonitor 2010 , ). Human Resource Management in a recession The retail sector is one of the most hit by the global economic recession, so that managers should handle the effects of recession as professionally as possible in a downturn. But since when human resource management is dealing with the implementation of the strategies and policies relating to the management of individuals, the department become one of the most responsible to bring the organisation on the right track during recession time. According to Kambil (2008) there are some important steps that a business should follow in order to maintain their competitive position on the market. Some of these vital steps are the improvement of prices in order to grow margins, the increase of the financial and operational efficiency, but also the concentration on the market share. According to Armstrong (2009, p.5) the purpose of the human resource management is to make sure that an organisation is able to perform well through its staff, but also to increase the efficiency and the capability of the business. Furthermore, it also helps the business to reach it goals by using the resources available to their best use. One of the first processes affected by a recession is the recruitment selection policies which have been massively affected by the recession. Newell and Shackleton (2000) argues that recruitment and selection process involves making anticipation about what will happen, so that decisions are made about who is the most suitable person for a certain job that can increase the performance of an organisation. Now managers and recruitment agencies are being extra careful who they bring in, and they prefer to rethink and implement new strategies in order to improve their relations with the customers. In addition, companies are even more demanding than before, making sure that they recruit the best candidate that can bring real value to the company. Another significant effect on human resource management which impact an organization in recession time is the cost cutting. Retailers are conscious about the situation of the business and try to do everything to maintain their competitive position on the market. They started to cut working hours, holidays, labour costs, and travel expenses and they dont offer long-term benefits anymore. According to Retail Week website ( ) organizations needed to reduce its cost not only to their store level, but also to their head offices. The career and development process have been also affected by the recession, so that managers offer limited trainings to their staff. Selecting and training employees with great potential, contribute to the increase of the sales and organisations performance. It also leads to a more structured career path which ensures that staff has the necessary skills to improve the quality of services and products of a company. Introducing flexible working arrangements and part-paid sabbaticals is another effect of the recession that has a significant impact on an organisation impact on an organization. Managers prefer to make these changes, rather than implementing redundancy programmes, because it allows them to manage every cost. This measure eliminates the need of hiring extra staff for busy periods such as Christmas or Easter holidays. The operations are also suffering due to the recession, because managers develop different channels which imply lower labour costs, such as online sales. A number of retailers found more innovative ways to deal with cost cutting by introducing 9 day fortnights, reducing daily hours and offering unpaid sabbaticals, so we also saw an uplift in the request for interim specialists to renegotiate these new practices. Conclusion The middle of 2008 saw huge changes for the UK retail industry, with the sector suffering a very intense downturn and several well-known brands were disappearing from the high streets. But on the other hand there have been retailers that improved their performance during the recession. As seen above, HM is one of them, reaching a SEK 118,697 million turnover, and about 76,000 employments. The human resource management is one of the sectors that have been also affected by the economic downturn. According to Armstrong (2000) Human resource management is a construct largely invented by academics and popularised by consultants. So that many retailers took decisive actions, like concentrating and simplifying their operations by reducing staff numbers and costs, both through natural wastage and implementing redundancy programmes and flexible working hours. Furthermore, there is now evidence of significant change in the retail sector. In line with the drop-off in demand for goods not being as bad as had initially been feared, retailers are now re-evaluating and rethinking their HR strategies. In conclusion, the paper demonstrates that the current economic conditions have provided the opportunity for the UK retail industry to learn and deal better with HRM structures and recession, adding to what had already been in progress before the economic downturn, which in turn shows an opportunity to make the business stronger, successfully and profitable. Moreover, there is a lack of standard qualifications across retail sector which is also unfavourable.ÂÂ   Government policy in this area is ineffectual and needs to be improved as soon as possible.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

In normal cases the immune system's white blood cells protect the body from harmful substances, called pathogens. A pathogen is anything that tries to harm the body. Some examples of pathogens are fungi, bacteria, protozoans, and viruses , and blood or tissues from another species or person. The immune system produces antibodies that destroy these harmful substances. An antibody is like a protein marker produced by B-Cells to identify foreign objects. Unfortunately, as useful the immune system is for our bodies, there are many disorders and diseases related to it. Immune system disorders cause low immune activity or over immune activity in the immune system. During immune system over activity cases, the body damages and attacks its own tissues; these diseases are known as autoimmune diseases. Immune deficiency decreases the body's ability to fight pathogens, causing a higher chance for infection. Allergies are an example of the immune systems over-activity diseases. Allergies occur when the immune system reacts to foods or substances that are not harmful. The most common allergens are pets and pollen. When the immune system senses an allergen, it releases unneeded chemicals. Histamine for example, is one of the chemicals that are released after the immune system senses an allergen; it triggers an inflammatory response. Allergic reactions like this have many symptoms that can include breathing problems, eye irritation, rash, even nausea and vomiting. Asthma is a condition where the immune system becomes over-active in the bronchi. Many people with asthma suffer constriction in their bronchial tubes, which make it harder to breath. An asthma infected persons airways are almost always under inflammation. There is no total cure f... ...rittle bones, and death; 20% of people who have a thyroid storm die. The final immune disorder I want to mention is immunodeficiency. Immunodeficiency is the failure of the immune system to protect the body from harmful substances and infection. Most of the time it is caused by the absence of some components needed. The main cause of immunodeficiency around the world is the Human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). HIV attacks and kills a crucial part of the immune system; T helper cells. T Helper-Cells kills infected cells. And without T-Cells many other immune cells cannot work properly, including B-Cells that make antibodies. A person infected with HIV may not show any signs or symptoms for years. But as HIV kills more and more T-Cells die the body becomes more vulnerable to infection. And when infected cells outnumber uninfected cells, then the patient will have AIDS.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How Should We Treat The Homeless? :: essays research papers

How Should We Treat the Homeless? I think that to treat all homeless people in one certain way would be hard for me to do because there are many reasons for a person to be homeless, and some of them should be treated differently from others. I feel that the runaways and drug addicts don't deserve as much as the unemployed and war veteran types. But I feel in my heart that all people with no homes, or lives for that matter, should get some sort of help to survive and get back on their feet so that they can become a pro-ductive member of society. Lars Eighner, a homeless man, wrote a book entitled "Travels with Lizbeth: Three Years on the Road and on the Streets" in which he describes in one chapter "the process of scavenging Dumsters for food and other necessities." Eighner states that even though he is homeless with not much money, he still eats and sometimes finds money from scavenging Dumpsters. This seems like a form of self-reliance for him. In his story, Eighner tells us what is safe to eat, how to tell if it is safe, and where to get the food. He states that a lot of people throw away perfectly good food, and when they do he finds it. Eighner says the food "can be evaluated with some confidence largely on the basis of appearance." In my opinion, I don't care if the food looks perfect, I wouldn't eat garbage unless I was dying from hunger. But eating is only one problem facing the homeless. Their second priority should be shelter. Where will they go if it is freezing or something? Many large cities have homeless shelters, but sometimes they get full and the last to arrive might not be allowed in due to overcrowding according to fire laws. I wish that they would let these people sleep on the floor or something rather than sleep outside and freeze to death. I think that if the government can't help these people get back on their feet, then they should build larger shelters to house all of them. They could even serve more food at the shelters

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How Far do These Sources Suggest that Young Henry VIII was an Impressive Figure as a King?

How far do these sources suggest that young Henry VIII was an impressive figure as a king? In the 16th century an impressive figure of a king would mean that he demonstrated power both physically and economically and a good education. However as source two suggests, Henry might be considered less than impressive as he shows insecurities. A stronger argument though is that Henry did demonstrate the features of an impressive king as he had all the attributes listed above which is clear from all three sources.It might be inferred that Henry was less than impressive as he was clearly insecure. Source two shows Henry seeking to compare favourability with his rival king Francis I of France. He persistently asks the Venetian ambassador whether he is more physically impressive than Francis e.g. Henry asks ‘what sort of legs has he got?’ Such insecurity might encourage challenges as Henry could be seen as unconfident about his own authority. This argument could gain weight from t he fact that the ambassador would be seeking to provide accurate information to the government of Venice. It could however be seen as the only one incident by a king who had only been on the throne for six years. Also it is not sustained in the other two sources.The strongest argument suggests that Henry VIII was an impressive figure as king. From source two it might be inferred that Henry is very well educated as it shows Henry addressing the Venetian ambassador in French, †His majesty addressing me in French†. During his time on the throne only rich, well educated people could speak more than their native language. His good education also shows that he has an attribute of an impressive figure of king.The strongest argument which suggests that Henry was an impressive king gains weight from the Venetian ambassador being a reliable source. Source two is a written article so it is more likely to be reliable than a painting. The Venetian ambassador is also likely to be spea king the truth as he wants to tell the Venetian government accurate information and has no reason to lie.Source one also lends weight to the strongest argument that Henry VIII was an impressive figure as a king. Source one implies that Henry is a very rich and powerful king as it shows us spending time practicing his archery with  his guards. â€Å"The king was practicing archery in the garden with the archers of the guard.† It could be inferred from this that Henry has free recreational time as he is already in control of everything else. The argument that he is an impressive king gains weight from this because he has power over everyone, and that he gets people to do the jobs he would normally have to do.This can be inferred from source one as Henry spends his time in the garden â€Å"practicing archery with the archers of the guards.† This suggests that Henry has appointed other people to do the jobs he would have to do whilst he is in the garden practicing archer y. It could also be inferred that he is wealthy because he would be paying these people to do jobs for him. The source is a written document taken from a personal diary of the king’s Chaplin, John Taylor in 1513; he was also a royal official.The source is likely to be accurate and reliable as it is a personal diary. John Taylor would have been recording what he sees and as it is personal, there is no need to lie. Therefore we can infer that source one is a reliable source, this lends weight to the strongest argument that Henry VII was an impressive figure as king.Henry tried to portray himself as a warrior king during his early reign showing his impressive figure as king. Source two implies that Henry was an impressive warrior king because he says â€Å"look here and I also have a good calf to my leg†. This shows that he is physically impressive, a characteristic of an impressive warrior king. We can rely on this source as it was taken directly from the Venetian ambass ador’s report to his government. We can also infer from source three that Henry is physically impressive as the portrait shows a large man with broad shoulders. This agrees with source two and therefore supports the strongest argument that Henry was an impressive figure as king.However this portrait is by an unknown artist therefore it is very unreliable. It is also highly likely that Henry has paid the artist to make him look like an impressive warrior king. The argument that Henry was an impressive warrior king is also strengthened by source one. We can infer from source one that he had characteristics of a warrior because it tells us of how he was practicing with his guards at archery. Not only was he practicing with them, he also beat them as he hit the mark in the middle. We can rely on this source as it is taken as an extract from a personal diary written by the king’s Chaplin.The strongest argument suggests that henry was an impressive figure as king. This can b e inferred from all three sources. Source one implies that Henry is an impressive figure as king as he is superior to all of his guards as he beats them at archery, hitting â€Å"the mark in the middle†. We can also infer from source one that he has power over everyone else. He has enough time to practice archery; this means that he is employing people to do his jobs he would otherwise have to do. Source two also implies Henry was an impressive figure of a king as it tells us that Henry was physically impressive. â€Å"I also have a good calf to my leg†.The argument that Henry was an impressive figure as king is also supported by source three as Henry VIII’s portrait shows a physically impressive King with broad shoulders. We can also infer from source three that Henry VIII is very wealthy as he is wearing a lot of jewellery. Source two also implies that Henry was well educated as it shows Henry addressing the Venetian ambassador in French, â€Å"His majesty ad dressing me in French.† nery was HHhffAll three sources suggest that Henry was an impressive king as he demonstrates power both physically, economically and he has a good education.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Industries in India Essay

Today India is one among the top ten industrial nations of the world. Industrial development has changed India’s economy from under-developed status to developing status. Industries can be classified into various types on the basis of their structure. The two main types are: 1) Manufacturing industries including heavy and light industries. 2) Small-scale and cottage industries . Manufacturing industries: Industries which are concerned with the processing or conversion of raw materials into finished products are called manufacturing industries. IMPORTANCE OF MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES: 1) Manufacturing industries increase the national income and per capita income. Industrial development increases the employment opportunities to a large number of people and thus increases their income. 2) Industrial development solves the problems of un-employment and under employment which are some of the major problems of India. 3) Industrial development promotes agricultural development. Many industries are agro-based industries. Agricultural products are raw materials for these industries. Development of these industries enables agriculture to increase its production. 4) Industrial development helps to utilise the natural resources, such as mineral resources, water resources, forest resources and other natural resources. Utilisation of these natural resources helps in the progress 0f the country. 5) Many institutions belonging to the tertiary sector are also developed as a result of industrial development. e.g. Banking, education, insurance, transport and communication. 6) Countries which depend only on agriculture have low standard of living. But countries which have developed both in agriculture and industries have well balanced economic system. 7) Industrialisation helps both the domestic and foreign trade of a nation. Many goods, which we produce are exported to  other countries and help us to earn foreign exchange. It also reduces our dependence on foreign countries for many goods. 8) Generally industries are located in towns and cities, this enables the towns and cities to become trade and cultural centres. 9) Arms and ammunition required for the defence of the country need to be produced in the country itself. We cannot depend on other countries for these arms and ammunition. Industries manufacture tankers, aeroplanes, explosives, guns, bullets and many other defence requirements and thus help to strengthen the defence of the country. 10) Increase of industries helps in the increase of income of the government because they pay taxes and duties to thegovernment. Facilities available for industrial development in India: 1) India has plenty of natural resources like forests, minerals, power resources, water resources etc. which are required for industrial development. 2) India has large human resource, which can provide cheap labour. The large population of India also provides market for industrial products. 3) India is an agricultural country. Agriculture provides raw materials for many industries and agriculture is the chief market for industrial products. Industrial development in India:Ancient India had made great progress in industries. Manufacture of cloth, gunny bags, paper and other industries were well developed in India. Example: Muslin cloth of Dacca, chintzes of Masulipatnam, Calicos of Calicut and Gold embroidery of Surat. All these goods were manufactured in cottage industries. During the British period all these industries suffered. The industrial policy of the British and the Industrial Revolution in England were the main causes for the decline of our industries. However few modern manufacturing industries were started during the British period.Important among them were a cotton textile mill at Bombay in 1854, a Jute mill in Calcutta in 1855 and another cotton textile mill at Ahmedabad. A paper mill was started near Calcutta in 1867 and smelting of iron ore at Kulti in West Bengal in 1870. Availability of raw materials and cheap labour were responsible for the establishment of these industries. Our  industrial progress was very slow until the First World War. After the First World War, industries like iron and steel, chemicals, sugar, cement and machine tools were started. After Independence, our industries made great progress. The Five Year Plans were started for all-round economic development and today India occupies an important place in world industrial development. Factors for the location of Industries:The factors for the location of industries are availability of raw materials, power resources, transport and communication facilities, skilled and unskilled labour, favourable climate, capital, water resources, market and Government policy. All these facilities may not be found in one region, but a combination of these factors leads to the location of industries. Industrial regions of India:Based on the factors mentioned above, four main industrial regions are found in India. They are, 1) West Bengal, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh 2) Maharashtra and Gujarat 3) Central Gangetic region 4) South India Jharkhand, West Bengal and Chhattisgarh region: It is also known as Damodar-Hooghli region. The region includes Chotanagpur plateau which has large deposits of minerals like iron ore, coal, manganese, mica and bauxite. Port facilities, power resources and availability of cheap labour are the other factors. Maharashtra – Gujarat region: It has extensive cotton growing areas. There are good transport and port facilities, hydro-electric power, labour force and facilities for capital investment. Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Surat, Sholapur are noted for cotton manufacture. Central Gangetic region: This region produces plenty of raw materials required for agro-based industries. The Plain region has made possible for the development of roads and railways. High density of population has provided market and labour supply. South India: The industries are spread over many towns and cities of South India. Many types of industries have been developed. Availability of raw materials, hydro-electric power, market and labour force have helped the growth of many industries. Bangalore, Chennai, Coimbatore, Salem and Hyderabad are the important industrial centres. IMPORTANT INDUSTRIESManufacturing industries are divided into two types on the basis of the raw materials that they use. They are 1) Agro-based industries 2) Mineral-based industries 1) AGRO-BASED INDUSTRIES: The important agro-based industries are cotton textiles, jute, sugar and paper. COTTON TEXTILES: The first cotton textile mill on modern lines was started in Bombay in 1854. Later, mills were started at Ahmedabad in 1858, then in Kanpur, Nagpur, Sholapur, Surat and other places. Today India holds the third place among the cotton textile producing countries of the world. It provides mployment to a large number of people and also helps to earn foreign exchange. Gujarat and Maharashtra states, lead the country in cotton textile production. Mumbai and Ahmedabad are the important centres. Mumbai has the largest number of cotton textile mills. It is the main cotton textile centre in India. Mumbai is called cottonopolis or Manchester of India. (Manchester is the main cotton textile centre in England) The other important centres of cotton textiles are Nagpur and Sholapur in Maharashtra, Kolkata in West Bengal, Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh, Indore in Madhya Pradesh, Surat in Gujarat, Salem, Coimbatore and Chennai in Tamilnadu, Bangalore and Davangere in Karnataka and Delhi. Handloom industry Handloom industry is concentrated in Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Assam and Uttar Pradesh. In recent years ready-made cotton garment industry has been developing fast and earns a good amount of foreign exchange. Cotton textiles and ready-made garments are exported from India to foreign markets. Europe,  the U.S.A., and many countries of Africa and Australia are our main markets. Rough cotton cloth and cotton thread are exported to Myanmar, Middle East, Thailand and other countries. Jute industry: Jute industry occupies an important place in the industrial progress of India. It has provided employment to about 25 lakh workers. India produces 35 % of the total jute products of the world. Its share in earning foreign exchange is also important. The first jute mill was started at Rishra near Kolkata in 1855. Being an export oriented industry, it grew very fast. The partition of India struck a heavy blow to the jute industry. Most of the jute mills remained in India and the jute growing areas went to East Pakistan (Bangladesh). Now attempts have been made to grow jute in the Gangetic delta of West Bengal, in Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Orissa. Jute mills are largely concentrated in lower Hooghly basin. The main reasons for this concentration are availability of raw jute, fresh water, cheap water transport, power resources, cheap labour, capital and port facilities. In recent years, jute mills have also been located in Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Pra desh. The main jute products are gunny bags, jute cloth, tarpaulins, ropes and cordages (required for cable industry). India exports jute products to the U.S.A Britain, Canada, Argentina and Russia. Sugar Industry: Sugar has been used in India since a very long time. India produces White sugar, Khandsari and Gur or Jaggery. It provides employment to about 2.5 lakh people in India and also earns foreign exchange. Modern sugar mills were started in 1931. Sugarcane, which is the raw material for sugar industry, is a perishable and weight losing raw material. The Sugar factories are located wherever sugarcane is grown. Sugar factories are concentrated in the Gangetic plain (Uttar Pradesh and Bihar). The other states where sugar factories are found are Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The sugarcane of Peninsular India yields more sugar than the North Indian sugarcane. There are 37 sugar factories in Karnataka. The districts of Mandya, Belgaum and Bellary have a large number of sugar factories. Gorakhpur districts of Uttar Pradesh has  the largest number of sugar mills and is called â€Å"Java of India†. India exports sugar to the U.S.A, B ritain, Iran, Malaysia and Canada. Paper Industry: Paper manufacturing had been carried on in India as a cottage industry since ancient times. As a manufacturing industry it was first started in 1867 at Bally near Kolkata. There were only 15 paper mills before independence. Softwood, bamboo, sabai grass, straw, bagasse, soft water and chemicals are the raw materials required for paper industry. Owing to very limited forest as raw materials. The chemicals required for paper industry are caustic soda, soda ash, sodium sulphate, chlorine and sulphuric acid. West Bengal has the largest number of paper mills in India. The reasons for it are, availability of raw materials, coal and electricity, abundant supply of soft water, supply of capital and availability of cheap labour. The important centres are Kolkata, Titagarh, Raniganj and Kakinada. In Karnataka the paper mills are located at Dandeli, Bhadravathi, Mandya etc. Nepanagar in Madhya Pradesh is an important producer of newsprint. The production of paper in India is not sufficient to m eet the demand, so large quantities of paper are imported from other countries. MINERAL- BASED INDUSTRIES: The important mineral-based industries of India are iron and steel, heavy engineering and machinery, machine tools,transport equipment, chemicals, chemical fertilizers and cement industries. Iron and steel industry: Indians knew the art of smelting iron ore since early times. Modern steel industry was first started at Kulti in West Bengal in 1874. But the real beginning of Iron and Steel industry was made in 1907 at Jamshedpur in Bihar (present Jharkhand) by the Tatas, called Tata Iron and Steel Company (TISCO). Again in 1919 a steel plant was set up at Burnpur in West Bengal called Indian Iron and Steel Company (ISCO) and at Bhadravathi in Karnataka in 1923 called Mysore Iron and Steel Company (MISCO). Now it is called Vishweswaraiah Iron and Steel Company (VISCO). After Independence during the Second Five Year Plan period, three big Iron and Steel plants were  established at Bhilai in Madhya Pradesh (now in Chhattisgarh) Rourkela in Orissa and Durgapur in West Bengal. During the Third Five Year Plan, a very big steel plant was established at Bokaro in Bihar ( now in Jharkhand). The fourth five year plan proposed to start three more steel plants at Salem, Vijayanagar and Vishakhapatnam. The Salem and Vishakhapatnam steel plants have started production but Vijayanagar steel plant was entrusted to the private sector and production is in the beginning stage. Tata Iron and Steel Company and Vijayanagar steel plant are under the private sector. The others are under the public sector. To encourage and extend iron and steel industry under both private and public sectors, Steel Authority of India was established in 1973. All the raw materials required for iron and steel industry like iron ore, manganese, limestone and coal are bulky and weight-losing. So this industry is located near the regions where the raw materials are found in abundance. The finished products are also heavy and need good transport system for their distribution. Iron and steel industry is concentrated around the Chotanagpur plateau which is rich in most of the raw materials required and therefor e Chotanagpur plateau is called the Rhur of India. (Rhur region in Germany is noted for iron and steel industry). India exports a large quantity of steel and cast iron to Britain, the U.S.A and Japan. Engineering Industry: There was a time when we were dependent on other countries for various types of engineering goods. Since Independence great progress has been achieved in this field and now we manufacture machinery required to manufacture goods. A heavy engineering plant is established at Ranchi in Jharkhand, which manufactures various machines required by us and also machinery for export. Hindustan Machine Tools at Bangalore manufactures a wide variety of machine tools and tractors. Machines required to manufacture cement and chemicals are manufactured at Vishakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh. Heavy electrical equipment industry: India produces many types of electrical equipment. Heavy electrical motors, transformers, water wheels, electric fans etc., are manufactured at Bhopal, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Tiruchinapalli and otherplaces. Bharat Heavy  Electricals Limited (BHEL) has set up its plants at differentplaces. One such plant is in Bangalore. Transport and equipment Industry: India has made good progress in this industry also. It is engaged in the production of automobiles, railway engines, railway coaches, railway wheels and axles and ships. Chittaranjan in West Bengal manufactures electrical and diesel locomotives, Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh produces diesel locomotives, Perambur near Chennai produces railway coaches. Mumbai, Kolkata, Kochi, Vishakahpatnam and Marmagoa are the major ship building centres. Aircraft industry has been developed at Bangalore, Hyderabad and Kanpur. Maruthi Udyog near Delhi produces motor cars. Kolkata(West Bengal), Jamshedpur(Jharkhand), Hosur in Tamllnadu (Leyland) and Bangalore in Karnataka (Volvo) are noted for the manufacture of motor vehicles. The railway wheel and axle plant is at Yelhanka near Bangalore. Chemical Industry: Many chemicals are required for the production of rayon, rubber, paper, glass, soap, chemical fertilizers and insecticides. Except for sulphur, the other raw materials are available in India for the production of chemicals. After Independence great progress has been made in this direction. At present, there are more than three hundred chemical factories spread all over India. Mumbai, Kolkata, Kanpur, Bangalore, Chennai and Ahmedabad are the important centres of this industry. Sulphuric acid, caustic soda, soda ash, bleaching powder and soaps are produced in our country. Chemical fertilizer industry: Chemical fertilizers are very essential to improve the fertility of the soil and to increase the production in agriculture. India being a predominantly an agricultural nation, production of chemical fertilizers is necessary. Complex fertilizers like urea, ammonium sulphate and nitrates are produced in India. The bi-products of coal, and oil refineries are used as raw materials in this industry. Now natural gas is also used as a raw material. The first chemical fertilizer factory in India was started at Belagola near Mysore (Mysore fertilizers). The next factory was started at Travancore (Alwaye) in Kerala called Fertilizer and Chemicals Travancore Ltd. (FACTS).  Now there are more than one hundred fertilizer factories under both public and private sectors. Some of the important fertilizer factories under the public sector are at Sindri (Jharkhand), Nangal (Punjab), Trombay (Maharashtra), Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh). Rourkela (Orissa), Neyveli (Tamilnadu), Durgapur (West Bengal), Koch i (Kerala) and Mangalore (Karnataka). Though the production of fertilizers has increased over the past few years, still it is not sufficient and we import fertilizers from other countries. Cement Industry: Cement is the most essential commodity for construction work after iron and steel. For the construction of buildings, roads, river valley projects, bridges etc., cement is very necessary along with iron. That is why the consumption of cement is the index for the rate of development of a country. The first cement factory was set up at Chennai in 1904. It used seashells as raw material. Now limestone, coal and gypsum are the main raw materials. As the raw materials are heavy, the cement factories are generally located close to the source of raw materials. Cement factories are located all over India, because the raw materials are available throughout the country. There are about 150 cement factories in India. Most of the cement factories are in Tamilnadu, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Bihar, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. Most of the factories are under the private sector. In Karnataka, Associated Cement Company near Gulbarga, Mysore Cement Company in Bhadravathi, Diamond Cement fa ctory at Ammasandra near Tumkur are important. India is self sufficient in cement production. We also export cement to Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Iran etc. EFFECTS OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA: You have already studied that India has made industrial progress. This development has resulted in some good and bad effects. Good effects: Industrialisation has changed India into a developing nation and to-day India is one of the ten industrially advanced nations of the World. Industrialisation has increased production through the utilization of unused natural resources. It has reduced to some extent the population that  would have been dependent on agriculture. The industrial centres have become the centres of education, culture and trade. Industrialisation has enabled us to become selfreliantwith regard to many goods for which we were depending on other countries earlier. It has affected our foreign trade also and we are able to export many goods to other countries. Import of many goods has been stopped or reduced. The National Income and per capita income has increased. We have achieved development in the field of technology also. There is great progress in the field of Banking, Transport and Communication and Insurance. The foreign countries are attracted and they are investing their capital in our industries. The non-resident Indians are also investing capital and hence the investment of capital has considerably increased. Bad effects: The industrial centres attract population from rural areas and the density of population has increased in industrial centres. Lack of housing facilities has created many slums. The slum dwellers are suffering from lack of healthfacilities, housing, sanitation and water. The slums have become the centres of many anti-social activities. Recently in almost all the states, the Slum Development Boards have been set up to improve the conditions of slum dwellers. Excessive use of Technology and Computers in industries, has resulted in the removal of workers and this has become a big problem. There is a fear that the foreign capital investment may result in the economic exploitation of the country